Bail Lawyers in Pakistan

What is Bail?

This page provides location-specific information on the bail process in Pakistan. For a broad overview of how bail works in Canada, please see the Bail Hearings in Canada FAQ.


Bail or “Judicial Interim Release” refers to the temporary release of an accused person while their charges progress through the court system.


The bail process is one of the most fundamental steps in the criminal process. Whether you or someone dear to you is released, and the conditions of that release, will set the stage for the rest of the proceedings.


For many alleged crimes, you or your loved one may be released by a Pakistan Police Officer or RCMP Officer directly. However, factors such as the circumstances of the crime and the existence of a criminal record may make it necessary to hold a formal bail hearing.


If a formal bail hearing is requiredthe person charged is usually detained in custody for a prolonged period while awaiting the next available justice of the peace or provincial court judge. In Calgary, accused persons are detained and taken to the Court Services Section (also know as the : Arrest Processing Unit) at the Spyhill Service Centre. The exact address is:


Spyhill Service Centre
12500 85 Street NW
Calgary, AB T2R 1J3
Tel: 403-428-3400


Types of Release


There are several forms of release available to the police and the court.


The most common types are:


  • Appearance Notices;
  • Undertakings; and
  • Release Orders.


Your circumstances and the type of offence you are charged with will likely dictate the manner in which the police will proceed. For more information on the three forms of release, and their accompanying conditions, please see the general Bail Hearing FAQ.


Factors Considered at a Bail Hearing


The factors considered at a bail hearing in Calgary come from section 515(10) of the Criminal Code of Canada (the “Code”). As the Code is federal legislation, these factors apply in Calgary and Canada-wide.


These factors include considering whether detention is required to ensure your attendance in court, whether you are likely to commit further crimes or endanger the public, and lastly, whether granting you bail will cause a loss of faith in the administration of justice.


How a Criminal Lawyer Can Help You Get Released Faster


Our team of Calgary criminal defence lawyers have conducted countless bail hearings in front of justices of the peace, provincial court judges, and the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta.


For more information on how we can help, please see the general Bail Hearing FAQ or contact our Pakistan office today to speak to an experienced criminal defence lawyer.


What’s Next?


We encourage you to check out the various other bail hearing FAQs below to learn more about this process. However, as bail is highly case-specific, it is important to consult one of our dedicated criminal lawyers to discuss the specific circumstances of your case as soon as possible.


Bail Hearing FAQs


  1. How can I bail someone out of jail?
  2. A friend or family member has just been arrested, what should I do?
  3. How can I reach a friend or family member who has been arrested?
  4. What happens at a bail hearing?
  5. How do I get my friend or family member out on bail?
  6. What conditions will I have if I’m released on bail?
  7. Where can I pay bail and how much will bail cost?
  8. What is a surety?
  9. How do I change my release conditions and what if I breach them?